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Creamer Media cover image for Telecommunications 2023 report Telecommunications 2023: Prospects for consolidation Has PDF
Published: 06 Feb 23
The telecommunications sector is expected to be the fastest-growing industry in Africa over the next five years as Internet connectivity improves – a positive development since growth in telecommunications spurs growth in other sectors. South Africa, therefore, must facilitate digital infrastructure development, and “stop writing policies and strategies for 2050” until it can execute on the strategies already in place for the period up to 2025, Inclusive Society Institute’s (ISA’s) ‘Rejuvenating South Africa’s Economy – An ICT sector perspective’ report contends. It must do this by driving an inclusive agenda, clarifying how the country will deliver affordable connectivity and devices, and how platforms for local content can be developed to stimulate demand. Creamer Media’s ‘Telecommunications 2023: Prospects for consolidation’ report examines South Africa’s telecommunications sector in respect of its connectivity profile, the trends in the sector, the challenges it faces, policy and regulatory developments, as well as the companies that are driving the sector forward.
Creamer Media Energy Transition Report 2023 cover Energy Transition Report: South Africa Progressing its Just Energy Transition Has PDF
Published: 24 Jan 23
International Energy Agency executive director Dr Fatih Birol has said that the world is facing its “first truly global energy crisis”. However, he argues that faster clean energy transitions could help to moderate the impact of the crisis. South Africa has committed to reducing its greenhouse-gas emissions by 2030 and to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, subject to appropriate financial support, and premised on enabling a just transition for affected communities and regions. Government’s Just Energy Transition (JET) Investment Plan outlines investments valued at a combined R1.50-trillion that should be made in the electricity, electric vehicle and green hydrogen sectors over the five years from 2023 to 2027 to enable South Africa to meet its climate commitments, stabilise energy supply and cushion vulnerable workers and communities. Creamer Media’s “Energy Transition Report 2023” examines South Africa's JET plans by delving into the state of its electricity sector and its current 6 000 MW electricity shortfall; its State-owned power utility Eskom and the challenges it is facing in alleviating that shortfall, and independent power producers that are in the best position to help bridge that shortfall. It also examines South Africa’s potential to produce green hydrogen, and the role that the automotive and mining sectors have to play in fulfilling the country's JET, as well as the capacity that the just transition has to create much-needed employment.
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