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Logistics Crisis Committee’s work to continue, freight sector poised to transform in next two years
Published: 21 Jun 24
Business Unity South Africa (Busa) president Mxolisi Mgojo says he is confident that work within the National Logistics Crisis Committee (NLCC) will continue as political parties grapple to form a coalition government post the national elections held at the end of May. “We partner with the government of the day,” says Mgojo.
Construction of new TNPA multipurpose vessel gets under way
Published: 21 Jun 24
A keel-laying ceremony has marked the beginning of construction of a new multipurpose vessel that will increase the marine fleet availability for Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) in Cape Town. As the first milestone in the history of a ship, the keel-laying ceremony marks the laying of the large beam around which the hull of the ship will be built.
Already green V&A Waterfront eyes starting up desalination plant, building second seawater cooling plant
Published: 21 Jun 24
Since embarking on its sustainability journey in 2008, the V&A Waterfront (V&A) in Cape Town has reduced its energy use by 40%, with 2 MW of photovoltaic (PV) solar panels generating 1 640 000 kWh of clean energy a year. The precinct has also diverted 62% of its waste from landfills. This includes more than 2 300 t of organic waste and 2 100 t of recycling every year.

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