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South Africa could leverage its potent solar and wind resources to power green manufacturing ‘Second wave’ of Operation Vulindlela set to prioritise ‘green and digital’ growth
Published: 25 Jun 24
The ‘second wave’ of government’s Operation Vulindlela initiative is poised to be widened to include additional structural reforms to those that have been pursued to date in electricity, freight logistics, telecoms, water and skills with the goal of stimulating higher levels of economic growth over the coming five years. Established jointly by the Presidency and the National Treasury in October 2020 to accelerate priority structural reforms to overcome problems identified as “binding constraints” to economic performance, Operation Vulindlela is expected to continue as a flagship programme under the government of national unity.
Barrick Gold chairperson John Thornton Business model of Western mining industry needs new power, London Indaba highlights Has Video
Published: 25 Jun 24
New power is needed by the Western mining industry, which is still functioning on a trailing old power business model. This was highlighted at Tuesday’s London Indaba, where a spotlight was shone on the urgent need of Western world mining companies to pay attention to the benefits that could emerge by working with far greater cognisance of the far-reaching strides that have been taken by the Eastern world.

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