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SELECT a_id, a_id_word, a_headline, a_publish_date, a_abstract, a_author, a_has_video, a_has_audio FROM su_cat_sg_mappings, re_categories , re_category_sections_assoc , pr_sections , pr_article_section_assoc , pr_articles_search, pr_article_media_assoc WHERE csg_sg_id = 1 AND csg_cat_id = cat_id AND a_status = 1 AND a_process_status = 4 AND a_expiry_date >= 1719934200 AND cat_id = scat_cat_id AND scat_s_id = s_id AND s_id = ase_s_id AND ase_a_id = a_id AND cat_re_id = 42 AND ama_a_id = a_id AND ama_mt_id = 2 AND ama_p_id = ase_p_id AND s_id NOT IN (14903,14910,14911,14906,14904,14912,14909,14908,14907,14905) AND a_publish_date <= 1719934200 AND ase_s_id IN (14889,14891,14892,14893,14894,14895,15673,14896,14897,14898,14899,14900) GROUP BY a_id ORDER BY a_publish_date DESC LIMIT 0, 100
Real Economy Yearbook 2020 Real Economy Yearbook 2020
Published: 12 Aug 20
The economic and social recovery from the global Covid-19 pandemic will, without question, shape the economies of all countries globally for years to come, as well as all the sectors featured in Creamer Media’s 2020 Real Economy Yearbook. Likewise, the policy choices made in the coming few months will have a strong bearing on the future health and wellbeing of citizens and the sustainability of the sectors discussed in this yearbook.
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