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Cover image of Creamer Media's Midyear Brief for Coal Coal – Midyear Brief 2022 Has PDF
Published: 15 Jul 22
Creamer Media’s Real Economy Year Book has been divided into separate reports under the banner Midyear Briefs, and investigates key developments in the automotive, construction, electricity, petrochemicals, oil and gas, road, rail and ports, steel, manufacturing, water, coal, gold, iron-ore and platinum sectors. This five-page brief is a synopsis of key developments in the coal sector over the past 12 months. It provides an overview of the global coal market, South African coal producers, domestic coal demand and coal exports. It also examines coal companies’ broader energy ambitions and the goal of a cleaner energy future and just energy transition.
Cover image of Creamer Media's Midyear Brief for Pumps Pumps – Midyear Brief 2022 Has PDF
Published: 15 Jul 22
Creamer Media’s Real Economy Year Book has been divided into separate reports under the banner Midyear Briefs, and investigates key developments in the automotive, construction, electricity, petrochemicals, oil and gas, road, rail and ports, steel, manufacturing, water, pumps, coal, gold, iron-ore and platinum sectors. This five-page brief is a synopsis of key developments in the pumps sector over the past 12 months. The brief considers the growth drivers in the pumps sector, the adoption of the Industrial Internet of Things, mergers and acquisitions in the sector, as well as how supply chain disruptions affect the sector.
Cover image of Creamer Media's Midyear Brief for Petrochemical, Oil and Gas Petrochemicals, oil and gas – Midyear Brief 2022 Has PDF
Published: 15 Jul 22
Creamer Media’s Real Economy Year Book has been divided into separate reports under the banner Midyear Briefs, and investigates key developments in the automotive, construction, electricity, petrochemicals, oil and gas, road, rail and ports, steel, water, manufacturing, pumps, coal, gold, iron-ore and platinum sectors. This six-page brief is a synopsis of key developments in the oil and gas sector over the past 12 months. The brief considers South Africa’s ageing crude oil refineries, the country’s transition to a hydrogen economy and the potential that sustainable aviation fuel offers the economy.  
Construction 2022: Banking on Infrastructure Construction 2022: Banking on Infrastructure Has PDF
Published: 27 Jun 22
Creamer Media’s ‘Construction 2022: Banking on Infrastructure’ report examines South Africa’s construction industry, its key participants, its proposed infrastructure-based economic recovery and the impact of corruption on the sector.
Cover image for Creamer Media's Energy Transition Report 2022 Energy Transition Report 2022 Has PDF
Published: 29 Apr 22
Creamer Media’s ‘2022 Energy Transition Report’ examines South Africa’s electricity sector and provides insights into the status of State-owned power utility Eskom, independent power producers, transmission and distribution, as well as changes to the legislative and regulatory framework. The report also delves into the future of green hydrogen and South Africa’s path to a Just Energy Transition.
Cover image of Creamer Media's Real Economy Yearbook 2022 Real Economy Yearbook 2022
Published: 01 Mar 22
The world and South Africa seem to be lurching from one crisis to the next. This time last year, governments and businesses globally and locally were preoccupied with finding ways of recovering from the deadly Covid-19 pandemic, as well as the associated lockdowns, which had seriously disrupted production, supply chains and economic activity. While the virus remains a threat and more lockdowns have been implemented in China this year, countries are finding ways of living with the virus, the potency of which has also, thankfully, weakened as new variants have emerged and communities gained natural and vaccine-induced resilience. It is urgent, however, that further momentum is built – and fast – so that these green shoots do not get trampled on before bearing fruit. Creamer Media considers these events and the ramifications thereof in its Real Economy Yearbook 2022, in the hope that South Africa's stalled public infrastructure roll-out will provide visible evidence of progress in the months to come but also lay the foundation for future growth and job creation.
Cover image of Creamer Media's Projects in Progress report Projects in Progress 2022 (First Edition)
Published: 01 Mar 22
South Africa has made investment, especially investment in infrastructure, a key priority as it desperately seeks to reignite growth and spur employment creation through the Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan. It is one thing prioritising investment, but quite another making it happen, particularly given global and domestic headwinds. Globally, the ongoing pandemic, rising inflation, an intensifying climate crisis and a growing number of conflicts, epitomised by, but definitely not limited to, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, are all undermining the allocation of capital to developing economies. Domestically, the microeconomic reforms that are viewed as so crucial to unblocking investment in energy, logistics and digital infrastructure are either progressing too slowly or experiencing growing pains. On all these fronts, South Africa is currently lacking, which is why partnerships are now so crucial between government and business. To lay the foundations for far higher levels of economic growth, government needs to enter into a true collaboration with the private sector and civil society to realise infrastructure delivery. In such an environment, government should use its policy muscle to leverage those fixed investment areas, such as green energy, which will have the biggest economic-, employment- and climate-resiliency multipliers, while ensuring that the guardrails are in place to prevent corruption and abuse of dominance. It is a partnership that can begin with pockets of excellence, such as unlocking new distributed power generation by miners, before being progressively expanded to other crucial areas, including water, sanitation, roads, bridges, rail, housing, and broadband infrastructure. It is time to beat the backlog together.
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