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Webber Wentzel senior associate Francois Sieberhagen Opinion: Beware, but do not fear!
Published: 14 Jun 24
In this article, Webber Wentzel senior associate Francois Sieberhagen writes about the implications of the Supreme Court of Appeal's (SCA's) judgment in the case of Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy & Three Others vs Sustaining the Wild Coast NPC and Eight Others.
Milkor highlights its partnership with German group regarding sea surveillance UAV Milkor highlights its partnership with German group regarding sea surveillance UAV
Published: 14 Jun 24
South African defence company Milkor on Thursday reaffirmed its partnership with German group Aerodata, to develop a maritime surveillance version of the Milkor 380 uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV). This partnership was first announced at the ILA Berlin Air Show 2024, last week. The Milkor 380 is a medium altitude long endurance UAV. The company is currently assembling six of the aircraft, which will all be completed by the end of this year. Deliveries of “several” of the UAVs will, the company reports, take place over the next 12 months, to undisclosed customers. The new maritime version has the designation AeroForce 380, and is basically a combination of the Milkor 380 UAV with Aerodata systems and sensors.
An image of BMW Group executives, including BMW Group CEO Peter van Binsbergen, at the BMW Group Plant Rosslyn Training Academy onboarding event Youth empowered through manufacturer’s YES commitment
Published: 14 Jun 24
Automotive manufacturer BMW Group South Africa onboarded its 2024 cohort at BMW Group Plant Rosslyn Training Academy on May 7, marking its ongoing commitment to the Youth Employment Service (YES) Programme, an initiative aimed at addressing youth unemployment. During the event, BMW Group South Africa CEO Peter van Binsbergen expressed his pride in the YES Programme students, as they showed that young people “hold the key to great innovation”.
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