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Image of green hydrogen concept HySHiFT sustainable aviation fuel project, South Africa – update
Published: 19 Apr 24
Contractual negotiations are under way between the developers of the project and the intermediary company established under Germany’s H2Global scheme.
Image of solar battery energy storage facility Oriana solar project, US
Published: 19 Apr 24
Sabanci Renewables plans to design and build a solar project and an energy storage facility in Texas.
Image of solar panels and wind turbines St Ives hybrid microgrid project, Australia
Published: 19 Apr 24
The project will reduce the mine’s Scope 1 and 2 emissions by an estimated 50% in 2030 against the mine’s 2016 baseline.
Image of solar panels Leeudoringstad solar photovoltaic project, South Africa
Published: 19 Apr 24
Yellow Door announced the successful completion of the development phase for the solar plant in February 2024.
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