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Image of hydrogen molecules Ugitech plant green hydrogen project, Switzerland
Published: 07 Jun 24
Swiss Steel has decided to use green hydrogen at its Ugitech plant to replace the natural gas used in some of its thermoprocessing equipment.
Image of electricity pylons and battery energy storage system Transmission expansion and energy storage project, Namibia
Published: 07 Jun 24
This is Namibia’s first-ever World Bank-financed energy project.
Image of hydrogen electrolysis plant Eemshydrogen project, Netherlands
Published: 31 May 24
The project entails the construction of a 50 MW electrolysis plant to produce green hydrogen.
Image of solar and green hydrogen operation Green hydrogen project, Namibia
Published: 31 May 24
The project is expected to be Namibia’s first operating green hydrogen plant
Image of wind farm Aldenhoven Wind Farm, Germany
Published: 31 May 24
RWE Renewables Europe & Australia plans to build a wind farm on recultivated areas of the Inden opencast mine in the Düren district.
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