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Image of Scaw roll former Scaw Metals hot-strip steel mill, South Africa – update
Published: 15 Nov 24
The first hot-rolled coil has been produced at Scaw Metals’ Union Junction complex.
Image of US map/flag Energy Materials and Processing at Scale facility, US
Published: 15 Nov 24
The US Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory will create a direct path from bench-scale materials and process innovations to pilot-scale integration and production.
Image of Kenya map/flag Liquid oxygen manufacturing plant, Kenya
Published: 15 Nov 24
Hewatele plans to build a manufacturing plant, which will address the rising demand for medical-grade liquid oxygen in healthcare facilities across Kenya.
Image of the Port of Mossel Bay Port of Mossel Bay’s Quay 4 precinct multipurpose terminal, South Africa
Published: 15 Nov 24
The Transnet National Ports Authority released a request for information for a multipurpose terminal at the Port of Mossel Bay’s Quay 4 precinct in October 2024.
Image of offshore wind farms New England Wind 1 offshore wind farm, US
Published: 15 Nov 24
New England Wind 1 will provide clean, emission-free energy to 400 000 homes in Massachusetts.
Image of Akkuyu outer containment – Unit 1 Akkuyu nuclear power plant project, Türkiye – update
Published: 15 Nov 24
Construction has been completed on the concreting of the dome of the outer containment of the reactor building of Unit 1.
Image of Australia map/flag Kestrel waste gas-to-energy project, Australia – update
Published: 15 Nov 24
Kestrel Coal Resources plans to build a waste gas-to-electricity facility, in Queensland, cutting the Kestrel mine’s CO2 emissions by more than one-million tonnes over eight years. 
Image of water flowing from pipe Upper uMkhomazi water project, South Africa
Published: 08 Nov 24
The Upper uMkhomazi water project is set to increase the amount of raw water in the uMgeni water system by 55%.
Image of construction of a new road R573 Moloto road upgrade, South Africa – upgrade
Published: 08 Nov 24
Significant progress had been made on the upgrade of Moloto road.
Image of BMW (G45) X3 BMW X3 plug-in hybrid vehicle investment – Rosslyn, South Africa
Published: 08 Nov 24
The Rosslyn plant has started manufacturing the fourth-generation BMW X3.
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