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Image of copper ore Copper World Complex, US – update
Published: 24 May 24
Hudbay plans to raise funds in an equity offering to help fund near-term growth initiatives at its Copper Mountain unit.
Image of Zimbabwe map/flag Zulu lithium/tantalum project pilot plant, Zimbabwe – update
Published: 24 May 24
Premier African Minerals is raising funds for the ongoing mining operations at the project, and for working capital purposes.
Image of the Mogale project dumps Mogale Tailings Retreatment project, South Africa – update
Published: 17 May 24
The project remains on schedule.
Core samples from the Tulu Kapi project Tulu Kapi gold project, Ethiopia – update
Published: 17 May 24
The remaining finance syndicate approval process is on track for final approvals.
Image of gold dust Kiaka gold project, Burkina Faso – update
Published: 17 May 24
Construction continues to advance.
Image of drill core from the Cascabel project Cascabel copper/gold/silver project, Ecuador – update
Published: 17 May 24
SolGold is making significant strides in securing financing for the project.
Image of gold pour Back River Gold – Goose mine gold project, Canada – update
Published: 17 May 24
First gold pour has been delayed.
IMAGE OF GOLD BARS Berg gold project, Canada
Published: 17 May 24
Surge Copper plans to build a gold mine based on large-scale conventional drill, blast, load and haul openpit mining methods suited to the project location and local site requirements.
Image of the Karowe mine Karowe underground project, Botswana – update
Published: 17 May 24
Significant progress has been made.

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