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Image of Berg gold project Berg gold project, Canada – update
Published: 07 Jun 24
Surge Copper Corp has launched a metallurgical test programme for its Berg project.
Image of a drill rig at the Krône project Koné gold project, Côte d’Ivoire
Published: 07 Jun 24
Montague Gold is developing the project based on three openpit gold deposits feeding a central gold-processing facility.
Schematic of the Rosemont gold project Rosemont Stage 3 underground mine project, Australia
Published: 07 Jun 24
The Rosemont Stage 3 underground project will extend the Rosemont South production area with the installation of associated infrastructure to support reserve growth and life extensions.
Image of rough diamonds Jwaneng underground project, Botswana – update
Published: 07 Jun 24
Early works at the underground site are in progress.
Image of white silica sand Cape Flattery silica sand project, Australia – update
Published: 31 May 24
The majority of the planned project development works have been suspended.
Image of lithium ore Prairie lithium project, Canada – update
Published: 31 May 24
Production drilling at the project has started.
Periodic table symbol for lithium Lithium hydroxide converter, Germany – update
Published: 31 May 24
Government has approved the project.
Image of US map/flag Elk Creek superalloy material project, US – update
Published: 31 May 24
NioCorp Development has reported that electrifying the Elk Creek mine could be a game-changer for the critical minerals project.
IMAGE OF EAST MANGANESE OPERATIONS East Manganese mine project, South Africa – update
Published: 31 May 24
A second manganese project is now at an advanced stage of assessment.
Location map of the Etango project Etango-XP/ Etango-XT projects, Namibia – update
Published: 31 May 24
Bannerman is advancing front-end engineering design, among other plans for the project.
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