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Australia Mining Projects in Progress 2017 Australia Mining Projects in Progress 2017 Has PDF
Published: 21 Nov 17
Mining has been the driving force behind much exploration in Australia’s remote inland and its industrial development – from the gold rush in the nineteenth century, and the iron-ore and nickel booms of the 1960s to the later expansion of the coal industry. Mining comprises about 10% of Australia’s gross domestic product. Currently, the Australian mining industry is on the verge of a new mining boom, based on so-called tech metals. However, Australia's mining sector is awash in red tape, with overlapping legislation and replication between state and federal governments creating significant obstacles to the industry’s development. Mining companies prospecting, investing and pursuing new mining opportunities spend a considerable amount of time and money dealing with bureaucracy – eliminating this in mining, particularly the project approval process, is, therefore, crucial to take the growth and prosperity of Australia’s mining sector forward.
Diamonds 2017: A review of Southern Africa's diamond sector Diamonds 2017: A review of Southern Africa's diamond sector Has PDF
Published: 30 Oct 17
The diamond industry has faced much volatility in recent years and, although there were signs of improving market conditions in 2016 and so far in 2017, some uncertainty remains. Some market analysts questioned whether the industry has reached peak supply and point to the unlikelihood of mining companies finding any further large diamond deposits. Many believe that the best resources have been discovered. Miners worldwide, however, continue to explore for new deposits, and the biggest miners are also investing in expansion projects while smaller miners are working to bring new mines into production. Creamer Media’s Diamond 2017 report provides an overview of the world diamond market, which includes a look at rough diamond production, supply and demand, imports and exports, and synthetic diamonds. The report emphasises diamond mining activities in South Africa over the past 12 months, and provides information on the country’s major and midtier diamond producers, junior diamond mining companies, explorers and developers.
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