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Coal 2019: A review of South Africa's coal sector Coal 2019: A review of South Africa's coal sector Has PDF
Published: 21 Oct 19
South Africa’s mineable coal reserves are enough to support mining for about 118 years at current production rates, according to junior coal miner Canyon Coal chairperson Vuslat Bayoglu. However, intensifying anticoal sentiment has resulted in major multinationals reviewing their coal strategies, with a resulting decline in investment in new coal mines in South Africa. This could result in the country’s reaching a coal cliff, with serious economic ramifications, as the sector generates the highest sales revenue in the mining industry and is a significant employer. Creamer Media’s Coal 2019 report examines South Africa’s coal industry with regard to the business environment, the main participants, local demand, coal exports and logistics, projects being undertaken by the large and smaller participants, as well as various issues affecting the sector, including labour and environmental considerations.
Projects in Progress 2019 (Second Edition) Projects in Progress 2019 (Second Edition) Has PDF
Published: 09 Oct 19
Stripped of all emotion, the most recent outlook statements of South Africa’s surviving construction companies provide sobering snapshots of market conditions, which remain beyond trying. In such a context, each and every construction contract has become something of a precious commodity and this latest ‘Projects in Progress’ update attempts to offer a glimpse into some of the infrastructure, resources and industrial project activity still under way in South Africa and the region.
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