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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/african-utility-week-to-host-launch-of-yepp-for-young-power-pros-and-graduates-wishing-to-solve-africas-energy-challenges-2017-01-18
 Article Headline: African Utility Week to host launch of YEPP for young power pros and graduates wishing to solve Africa’s energy challenges
 Abstract: African Utility Week to gather 7000+ power professionals in Cape Town “Youth unemployment on the continent is a major epidemic and internship opportunities are an amazing solution to help maximize human capital development on the continent” says Daniel Antwi, co-founder of the Africa Internship Academy (AIA) that will launch its Young Energy and Power Professionals (YEPP) at this year’s African Utility Week in Cape Town in May. Says Daniel: “quite a number of employers have argued that skills constraint has been a major contributing factor to youth unemployment. Again, many young graduates find it very difficult to move out and become job makers in the market. Therefore, Africa Internship Academy stands to facilitate successful transition from academia to industry by ensuring that the skills of youth are honed early enough to match the labour market demands.”
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