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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/barrick-and-zijin-contribute-1m-to-png-landslide-relief-efforts-2024-06-10
 Article Headline: Barrick and Zijin contribute $1m to PNG landslide relief efforts
 Abstract: Mining companies Barrick Gold and Zijin Mining – joint venture partners in the Porgera mine – have jointly contributed $1-million to help communities in Papua New Guinea’s Enga province in the wake of a landslide in Mulitaka that has claimed an estimated 600 lives. A team of senior Barrick executives has spent last week in the country visiting the disaster site and working with the provincial and national governments, as well as officials from the United Nations, the Asian Development Bank, Australia, New Zealand and the US to coordinate relief and recovery activities.
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