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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/blackhawk-has-company-making-potential-says-sierra-nevada-chair-2024-05-21
 Article Headline: Blackhawk has company-making potential, says Sierra Nevada chair
 Abstract: ASX-listed exploration company Sierra Nevada has unveiled a high-grade intercept of up to 1 270 g/t at its Blackhawk ephithermal project, in Nevada, US, and says it plans follow-up drilling in hole BHD006. The company previously identified a large and high-grade intermediate sulphidation epithermal gold/silver/lead/zinc vein system, likely related to a porphyry system located immediate south. Partially coincident with the porphyry system, the Blackhawk epithermal project vein system covers about 5 km2 and is open under cover to the north and north-east, with 22.5-line kilometres of veins identified to date.
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