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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/capital-has-no-colour-2017-02-17
 Article Headline: 'CAPITAL HAS NO COLOUR'
 Abstract: Speaking at last week’s Investing in African Mining Indaba conference in Cape Town, Anglo American CE Mark Cutifani, above, advocated a new future for mining, through innovation, more resilience and, in South Africa in particular, a recognition that “capital has no colour”. Cutifani said many did not understand that the owners of most of South Africa’s publicly listed mining companies were neither the “Randlords” nor magnates of previous generations, but ordinary pension and investment fund owners. Sixty four per cent of the mines operated by Anglo American, as well as those they empowered, were owned by South Africans  through direct and indirect shareholdings.
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