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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/consulting-engineering-sector-sheds-jobs-as-govt-projects-decline-2015-06-26
 Article Headline: Consulting engineering sector sheds jobs as govt projects decline
 Abstract: While most South African consulting engineering companies are redirecting their focus to opportunities outside of the country, others are retrenching employees, owing to a decline in government-funded infrastructure projects, which accounts for 60% of the sector’s work, according to engineering body Consulting Engineers South Africa’s (Cesa’s) Bi-Annual Economic and Capacity Survey June to December 2014. “One of our member firms says it receives about fifteen applications for employment a week from recruitment agencies on behalf of engineers that come from firms that are retrenching employees,” says Cesa acting CEO Wally Mayne. He tells Engineering News that the lack of government infrastructure projects under way is mainly because of the depressed economy, but also because  government prioritises other sectors over infrastructure development, which he believes denies the country the opportunity to create jobs and develop the relevant skills and opportunities.
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