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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/empowering-women-in-energy-the-intelligent-thing-to-do-says-dmre-official-2024-05-23
 Article Headline: Empowering women in energy the intelligent thing to do, says DMRE official
 Abstract: The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) had been running a five-year Energy Sector Women Empowerment Strategy since 2021, pointed out DMRE deputy director-general Hilda Mhlongo on Thursday. She was delivering the keynote address at the Women in Energy breakfast at the Enlit Africa 2024 conference, at the Cape Town International Convention Centre. “The energy sector is crucial for economic development and sustainability,” she highlighted. But women remained underrepresented in the sector. That was why there was a need for empowerment strategies, to address this imbalance.
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