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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/gold-pinned-to-brexit-angst-as-traders-see-1-350-if-leave-wins-2016-06-16
 Article Headline: Gold pinned to Brexit angst as traders see $1 350 if leave wins
 Abstract: Polls show Britons will vote next week to exit the European Union, and that has gold traders betting the precious metal will be a lot more valuable. Prices will rally to the highest in two years if the so-called Brexit campaign succeeds on June 23, reaching $1 350/oz within a week of the vote – about 5% above current levels, according to a Bloomberg survey of 22 traders and analysts. Should a majority choose to remain in the bloc, bullion might slide 2.8% to $1 250/oz, the survey showed.
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