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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/launch-of-the-esg-africa-confidence-index-a-benchmark-for-sustainable-business-practices-across-africa-2024-05-08-1
 Article Headline: Launch of the ESG Africa Confidence Index: A benchmark for sustainable business practices across Africa
 Abstract: Launch of the ESG Africa Confidence Index: A Benchmark for Sustainable Business Practices Across Africa. ESG Africa Events, the organisers of the ESG Africa conference, in partnership with Moore Global are thrilled to announce the launch of the ESG Africa Confidence Index, a pivotal new survey. This comprehensive index is tailored to evaluate the extent of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) integration within companies throughout Africa, with the aim of advancing sustainable development across the continent. About the ESG Africa Confidence Index
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