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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/mettle-solar-acquires-50-stake-in-sps-2016-03-11
 Article Headline: Mettle Solar acquires 50% stake in rooftop specialist
 Abstract: Photovoltaic (PV) installation company Mettle Solar has acquired a 50% stake in engineering and construction firm Sustainable Power Solutions (SPS) for an undisclosed amount.   SPS was involved in the installation of more than 4 000 roof-mounted 1.2 MW solar panels at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town. The company also installed and commissioned a 500 kW ground-mounted solar system on the island of St Helena, to reduce the island’s dependence on diesel fuel.   Mettle Solar MD François van Themaat said the transaction was the outcome of a close working relationship with SPS, which had undertaken the design and installation of a number of Mettle Solar’s major grid-connected PV contracts. 
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