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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/ndcslong-term-strategies-should-include-roadmap-for-fossil-fuel-producers-iisd-2024-06-13
 Article Headline: NDCs, long-term strategies should include roadmap for fossil fuel producers – IISD
 Abstract: Analysis by policy think tank the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) showed that seven of the 20 largest fossil fuel producing countries make no mention of fossil fuel production in their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and six others stated an intention to continue or increase production. “In a world that has agreed to transition away from fossil fuels, producers that keep mining and drilling are vulnerable to market shocks. NDCs and long-term strategies can be used to guide an orderly transition and attract investment into alternative growth sectors,” IISD policy adviser Paola Yanguas Parra.
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