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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/peru-miner-volcan-eyes-200m-in-further-asset-sales-2024-06-18
 Article Headline: Peru miner Volcan eyes $200m in further asset sales
 Abstract: Volcan Cia Minera, the Peruvian zinc miner that was recently acquired by Argentine group Integra Capital, said it is pushing ahead with plans to sell non-core assets as it talks with creditors to refinance a pile of debt coming due in the coming years. The company, in which Glencore sold a controlling stake last month, is looking to divest its holding in a Chilean cement maker as well as real estate near the new Peruvian port of Chancay on the Pacific coast, said CEO Luis Fernando Herrera. It has already sold two hydroelectric plants for more than $78-million.
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