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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/petra-sells-23-ct-pink-diamond-for-1005m-2015-12-09
 Article Headline: Petra sells 23 ct pink diamond for $10.05m
 Abstract: An “exceptional” 23.16 ct pink diamond uncovered at Petra Diamonds’ Williamson mine, in Tanzania, in November, has been sold into a partnership arrangement for $10.05-million, or $433 938/ct for the rough stone. Petra would also retain a 20% interest in the sales proceeds of the polished diamond, which was bought by Golden Yellow Diamonds on behalf of diamond manufacturer and large and unique coloured diamonds specialist MA Anavi Diamond Group. Petra CEO Johan Dippenaar said the sale result affirmed that the market for high-quality coloured diamonds remained robust.
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