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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/prasa-starts-testing-new-long-haul-passenger-loco-2015-01-12
 Article Headline: PRASA starts testing new long-haul passenger loco
 Abstract: The country was one step closer to delivering a multimodal, multifacet, integrated, accessible and reliable transport system as the first of 70 Spain-manufactured AFRO 4000-series locomotives is tested for power and functionality. Following the unveiling of the long-haul passenger locomotive in Cape Town last month, the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) hosted Transport Minister Dipuo Peters, PRASA chairperson Dr Popo Molefe, PRASA CEO Lucky Montana and Members of the Portfolio Committee on Transport on an AFRO4001 locomotive-hauled Premier Classe train trip to Stellenbosch on Monday.
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