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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/presidency-insists-225-gw-private-ipp-pipeline-wont-be-disrupted-by-eskom-move-to-reserve-grid-for-public-projects-2024-05-22
 Article Headline: Presidency insists 22.5 GW private IPP pipeline won’t be disrupted by Eskom move to reserve grid for public projects
 Abstract: The Presidency does not anticipate that Eskom’s move to reserve scarce grid capacity for independent power producers (IPPs) participating in public procurement bidding rounds will disrupt the more than 130 private IPP projects being advanced outside of those processes to supply private consumers. Speaking during a briefing convened to report back on the reforms implemented under Operation Vulindlela, including those undertaken to address South Africa’s loadshedding crisis, the Presidency’s project management unit head Rudi Dicks lauded the progress being made through the Energy One Stop Shop to support the private projects stimulated by the reform to allow grid-connected private projects of any size to proceed without a licence.
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