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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/top-talent-primed-for-the-2016-engen-champ-of-champs-2016-09-22
 Article Headline: Top talent primed for the 2016 Engen Champ of Champs
 Abstract: The journey to the top for many of the country’s prodigiously talented young footballers is set to continue following the draw for the eagerly anticipated Engen Champ of Champs on Tuesday, 20 September 2016. The Engen Champ of Champs, which pits the five regional Engen Knockout Challenge winners and host club Supersport United against each other, takes place at the University of Pretoria from Friday, 07 September to Sunday, 09 September 2016. Football luminaries from Orlando Pirates, Chippa United, Roo Stars from Bloemfontein, and the management of the host club SuperSport United were on hand at the draw in Johannesburg to rub shoulders with the who’s who of the media and the competitions’ sponsors Engen.
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