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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/women-having-an-impact-in-the-energy-sector-including-eskom-but-a-lot-needs-to-be-done-2024-05-23
 Article Headline: Women having an impact in the energy sector, including Eskom, but a lot needs to be done
 Abstract: All four Eskom coal-fired power stations that are currently maintaining electricity availability factors (EAF) of more than 75% are headed by women. This was highlighted by Eskom group executive: human resources Elsie Pule on Thursday. She was participating in a panel discussion at the Women in Energy breakfast at the Enlit Africa 2024 conference, at the Cape Town International Convention Centre. Every time a woman took over a power station, she affirmed, the EAF shot up. Eskom, a decade ago, created a Women Advancement Programme. Over ten years, this has resulted in the proportion of women senior executives in the State-owned national electricity utility increasing from 29% to 42%. The same progamme has reduced the gender salary differential to 6%.
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