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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/world-hydrogen-alerted-to-benefit-of-south-africas-zero-emission-hydrogen-haul-truck-2024-06-07
 Article Headline: World Hydrogen alerted to benefit of South Africa’s zero-emission hydrogen haul truck
 Abstract: One hydrogen haul truck eliminates the deleterious carbon emissions of the equivalent of 700 cars, First Mode global hydrogen sourcing director James Betts highlighted during this week’s World Hydrogen Australia webinar, where he spoke of the need for the hydrogen haul trucks to be conceived as bringing about a holistic decarbonisation of many aspects of mine sites rather than being viewed in isolation. “Just to give you a bit of context, these mine sites have many haul trucks running through them, so there's a huge amount of potential diesel saving.
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