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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/yahsat-and-orbital-atk-successfully-complete-the-critical-design-review-of-al-yah-3-satellite-2015-08-11
 Article Headline: Yahsat and Orbital ATK Successfully Complete the Critical Design Review of Al Yah 3 Satellite
 Abstract: Yahsat, the UAE-based satellite operator, and Orbital ATK RB] today announced that they have completed the Critical Design Review for the Al Yah 3 spacecraft and payload. Yahsat senior management were in Virginia, USA with its partner Orbital ATK, and Yahsat’s team of engineers embedded at the facilities for this project, to complete the review and oversee this critical moment that represented the final stage before assembling all components of the satellite together. Al Yah 3, which is based ...
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