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 Address to refer: https://www.researchchannel.co.za/article/yes-there-are-problems-at-sa-ports-but-world-bank-report-not-entirely-accurate-saaff-2024-06-28
 Article Headline: Yes, there are problems at SA ports, but World Bank report not entirely accurate – SAAFF
 Abstract: The newest World Bank Container Port Performance Index (CPPI) report, which places a number of South African ports at the bottom of the list, covers the crisis-ridden 2023 period, and does not take into account the corrective action taken since Transnet has been under new management as part of a recovery and transformation strategy, says Southern African Association of Freight Forwarders (SAAFF) CEO Dr Juanita Maree. “To contextualise, this was a period at the height of the crisis.
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